Lose the Shoes

Lose the shoes – preferably indoors in the winter months. Being barefoot for everyone for periods of time helps to stimulate the brain and nerve pathways throughout the body.

Having bare feet in our littles helps develop the nerve system. If you have a toddler learning to walk and it is winter – try to have them barefoot indoors as much as you can.

Feet are one of the most nerve-rich parts of the human body which helps in developing neurological pathways.

Shoes can negatively impact balance, sensory development, and proprioception.

Keep walking, keep moving – and go barefoot (when weather appropriate).

Have a great one!


Dr. Wendy

Notes established from original article by Rae Pica – Pathways Magazine issue 63

PS If you have not guessed Pathways magazine has some great insight into families – it is found on line or hard copy through the ICPA.org

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