Dr. Wendy's Blog

chiropractic care at west Edmonton or one village family chiropractic and now to the Highlands chiropractic office location

Vertigo – Causes and Care

Vertigo is simple yet complex changes need to happen to help individuals heal and healing is not a passive endeavor – it takes time and work – you can do it

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Dr. Rosen and SOT care

The Rooting Reflex and Sucking Reflex in Babies

Did you know that the rooting reflex is supposed to be integrated and disappear as well as the sucking reflex by 6 months? How do you know if your little is having a problem and how do you test it? Early stages can show up as problems latching, spitting up,

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Did you know Dr. Coburn is on You Tube?

Attached below is a sample outline of some of the videos available on our You Tube Page. Please take a look at them and reach out if you have questions. Take into account if you have any underlying concerns that you should discuss with your provider before attempting. I’d love

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West Edmonton and Highlands North East Chiropractor Female Chirorpactor Tonal adjusting or light adjusting for all ages babies toddlers tweens teens adults grandparents trauma informed

Self Healing Happens When?

When you are in structural or bio mechanical balance it frees up Innate to do its thing. When you are sleeping or fasting, your body has time and energy to do some repair work instead of digesting or exertion. When our bodies are not constantly busy trying to balance our

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chiropractic care at west Edmonton or one village family chiropractic and now to the Highlands chiropractic office location

How does chiropractic work?

Universal forces are the forces of the environment which tend to break down or be destructive toward structural matter.  They tend to break matter down into its simplest components.  However, to carry on the cycles of life, material must be built up in the form of a living organism.  That is

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Helping a baby shift to rest and relax

As a baby; they are designed to grow and develop through stages of ease while eating, sleeping, having affection, and many diaper changes, (or potty time if you are not diapering). When a babe is not in a state of rest and relax they struggle with focusing on growth and

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