Chiropractic Facilitates your Physiologies natural abilities.

West Edmonton Chiropractic and North East Edmonton Chiropractic Sherwood park Holyrood forest heights highlands downtown Edmonton structural chiropractic care

Detecting and correcting motor unit dysfunction, all of its components are impacted thus supporting a higher efficiency of how your body works.

The natural physiological effect of your body when you have joint dysfunction is inflammation. Inflammation is an underlying cause of chronic disease.

The natural physiological response of the body to joint dysfunction is for your nervous system to operate in a higher state or stuck state of fight or flight.

Removing nerve system interference through adjusting the segments that have dysfunction thus supports the bodies design to move away from inflammation and being stuck in fight or flight. Currently 13 research papers are being developed to demonstrate this.

Did you know that chiropractic is the most evidence based form of care when it comes to caring for individuals with spinal motor unit dysfunction and is the leader in helping individuals of all ages to eliminate this problem. Not just the symptom – the cause!

Research has also shown that 50% of individuals will start to improve after 12 chiropractic adjustment appointments. This does not mean – fully healed! This means start to improve.

The more the client and the chiropractor work together as a team, the greater the opportunity for the client’s neurophysiology, spine, and body to move in the direction of healing and health. Outside of chiropractic adjustments done consistently back to back over a set period of time – as determined by the chiropractor based on experience, examination, x-ray (14 years and older), objective and subjective findings a plan of care for each individual is created to support them, individuals need to make lifestyle changes that are congruent with healing. This supports the rate of change.

Movement is key – walking is the best place to start for many whom may not be moving, mindset – focus on goals for healing the “WHY,” along with nutrients. Omega 3’s and Vitamin D are essential nutrients for life – if they are absent healing is significantly slowed. The amounts depends on age and other underlying circumstances. Your doctor of chiropractic will support you and provide you with the recommendations specific to you, this includes timing of introducing components to your healing.

Chiropractic removes the, “interference/ or road block,” that is not allowing your body to work or heal the way it is supposed to. Your body, your child’s body is what does the healing. What do I mean? When you break your leg, is it the cast that heals you? Or is it the amazing ability of the body to lay down healthy cells to, “knit,” your bones back together. The cast immobilizes – absolutely to help the body heal and do the rest. After the cast is off, is everything usually perfect and back to normal? No – the client has to work towards re-establishing the muscles on and around the limb through movement, mindset and nutrients to garner the greatest results.

If you have any questions – please reach out.

Dr. Wendy Coburn

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