Dr. Wendy's Blog

Women’s Health Necessities

Ladies – How are you? How are you doing with your health? Your mindset? Your movement? Your nutrients? Gosh there are so many things to consider every day how can you do more? One crucial element is a small step – you get to decide what that is. You decide

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Coaching is trust.

Empower our clients through teaching what they don’t know about health and where it comes from, guide them where they need to go, and watch them thrive!

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How to Navigate the Holidays!

As a parent, a business owner, a spouse; there are many directions I have felt pulled and feel pulled throughout the year never mind the holiday season. How do I navigate it? First consider how I want to feel over the holidays? How do I want my mind and body

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West Edmonton Chiropractic and North East Edmonton Chiropractic Sherwood park Holyrood forest heights highlands downtown Edmonton structural chiropractic care

Chiropractic Facilitates your Physiologies natural abilities.

Detecting and correcting motor unit dysfunction, all of its components are impacted thus supporting a higher efficiency of how your body works. The natural physiological effect of your body when you have joint dysfunction is inflammation. Inflammation is an underlying cause of chronic disease. The natural physiological response of the

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