Dr. Wendy's Blog

chiropractic care at west Edmonton or one village family chiropractic and now to the Highlands chiropractic office location

Vertigo – Causes and Care

Vertigo is simple yet complex changes need to happen to help individuals heal and healing is not a passive endeavor – it takes time and work – you can do it

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Women’s Health Necessities

Ladies – How are you? How are you doing with your health? Your mindset? Your movement? Your nutrients? Gosh there are so many things to consider every day how can you do more? One crucial element is a small step – you get to decide what that is. You decide

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West Edmonton Chiropractic and North East Edmonton Chiropractic Sherwood park Holyrood forest heights highlands downtown Edmonton structural chiropractic care

Chiropractic Facilitates your Physiologies natural abilities.

Detecting and correcting motor unit dysfunction, all of its components are impacted thus supporting a higher efficiency of how your body works. The natural physiological effect of your body when you have joint dysfunction is inflammation. Inflammation is an underlying cause of chronic disease. The natural physiological response of the

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Natural Health grounding connecting with nature to fulfill health and wellness clear our minds and body’s to reset and restore west Edmonton and north east Edmonton at Gibbard block

The Vagus Nerve

The Vagus Nerve otherwise known as Cranial Nerve 10 or the Wandering Nerve is crucial for everyone at any age. This nerve is the longest nerve in the body – starting from the brain stem at the base of the skull and upper neck bones, travels through the neck, the

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What can create lower VAGAL TONE in Pediatrics?

Below is a list of things that can create lower vagal tone in pediatrics. Why is this significant as it can impact neuro development or growth and development, which too can impact how primitive reflexes integrate, but primarily from a chiropractic perspective – function. It can impact how the body

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Did you know Dr. Coburn is on You Tube?

Attached below is a sample outline of some of the videos available on our You Tube Page. Please take a look at them and reach out if you have questions. Take into account if you have any underlying concerns that you should discuss with your provider before attempting. I’d love

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