Dr. Wendy's Blog


My Baby Hates their Car Seat – Help!

Some of the reasons a baby or even toddler may hate their car seat is they are uncomfortable, something is adding pressure, tension or even pain. As a chiropractor we check for any dural tension that can be under stress in a car seat with flexion and compression of the

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chiropractic care at west Edmonton or one village family chiropractic and now to the Highlands chiropractic office location

Vertigo – Causes and Care

Vertigo is simple yet complex changes need to happen to help individuals heal and healing is not a passive endeavor – it takes time and work – you can do it

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Coaching is trust.

Empower our clients through teaching what they don’t know about health and where it comes from, guide them where they need to go, and watch them thrive!

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How to Navigate the Holidays!

As a parent, a business owner, a spouse; there are many directions I have felt pulled and feel pulled throughout the year never mind the holiday season. How do I navigate it? First consider how I want to feel over the holidays? How do I want my mind and body

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West Edmonton Chiropractor - Dr. Wendy Coburn - Happy Healthy Family North East Edmonton Gibbard Block Highlands Forest Heights Ottewell Holyrood

Proprioception – Increasing your Sense of Self

Did you know you have more senses than the 5 you were once taught?One of them being your proprioception, also known as kinesthesia, is a child’s internal awareness of their body’s position, movement, and spatial orientation.  It is an essential part of early development, and helps children develop motor skills,

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What does a Chiropractic Baby Check up Look Like?

What would a chiropractor look for when they check my newborn baby or toddler? The video below outlines some of the things we look for to ensure full communication between babies brain and body so they can grow, function, and thrive without any interference. This allows for greater levels of

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