Dr. Wendy's Blog

Our Current Season of Emotions

No I am not a counsellor – yet I had the opportunity recently to listen to a wonderful talk by Dr. Ashley Mielke on Carrie Doll’s Inner Circle, on grief and the stages of grief that individuals are going through currently. To not discount those feelings but to recognize them

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Helping a baby shift to rest and relax

As a baby; they are designed to grow and develop through stages of ease while eating, sleeping, having affection, and many diaper changes, (or potty time if you are not diapering). When a babe is not in a state of rest and relax they struggle with focusing on growth and

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chiropractic is a process of healing and takes time and is as individual as each person. West Edmonton and north east Edmonton Sherwood park downtown Edmonton chiropractic

Finish the Set

I had the opportunity to read a great morning blog this morning about finishing the set and pushing through. We are all so focused on outcomes but not the process and the work walking through whatever it is we are trying to accomplish to get the desired outcome. Some don’t

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Chiropractic and Pregnancy

Bottom Line: A woman’s body undergoes many transformations during the nine months or 40 weeks (approximately) of pregnancy. Some of these changes are visible, such as an expanding belling, while others, such as morning sickness, heartburn and backaches, may not be visible but equally well known. Then there are a

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chiropractic is a process of healing and takes time and is as individual as each person. West Edmonton and north east Edmonton Sherwood park downtown Edmonton chiropractic

Chiropractic Subluxation

Subluxation. A term some people have heard of and others not so much. It is what chiropractic was founded on. Subluxation was a word that you had to be able to know and define inside and out when you applied to enter into chiropractic school. What is Subluxation? When tension

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