Some of the reasons a baby or even toddler may hate their car seat is they are uncomfortable, something is adding pressure, tension or even pain.
As a chiropractor we check for any dural tension that can be under stress in a car seat with flexion and compression of the position they are put in along with the seat harness. It can compress on the collar bones, first ribs and pulls down on the scalenes or neck muscles that attach to C5/6 or C0-C2 that have dural attachments. This can add pressure discomfort and perhaps pain.
Being in the flexed position also adds stress to the tail bone which can add stress to the spine and dural system which by the way links to fascia and oral function. (Yes a bit of a rabbit hole there).
Well-baby checks when they are first born or within the first 2 weeks depending on how the pregnancy and delivery wen it’s highly recommended to ensure no dural tension, cranial or spinal tension interfering with the nervous system to support health and wellness as they grow 1 million neurons every second for the first 2 years of life.
If you would like more information please call or reach out.